We are into Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Management.

P. E. Bema Nigeria Limited are environmental impact assessment consultants in Port Harcourt Rivers State that give a proper evaluation of the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development.

We take seriously our commitment to the environment, hence considering human-health impacts, and inter-related socio-economic, and cultural factors that are both beneficial and adverse.

person holding green leafed plant
person holding green leafed plant

Executed Environmental Impact Assessment Projects

Shell - Studies for the reuse of "lube oil" for Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC).

Agip - Environment Impact Assessment Studies of Kwali Flow Station in Delta State for Nigeria Agip Oil Company.

Environmental Policy

We conduct our business in ways that protect the environment and demonstrate good stewardship of our world’s natural resources.

We work closely and cooperatively with local communities, suppliers and contractors, government agencies, and other organizations engaged in improving the environment.

And we continually seek new ways to address the environmental cost and impact of our activities.

The Company has prepared the following solutions for environmental impact, which may occur as a result of the operations:

Air quality

  • Sweeping and cleaning the construction area to prevent dust from the construction as well as placing various tools and equipment in order.

  • Spraying the areas which may spread the dust with water; such as the area where the ground surface is dug opened, or drilled.

  • Safety nets must be used to curtain off the construction area from the adjoining neighboring community. The nets must be thick enough to strain the dust derived from the construction under an acceptable quantity.

  • Inspecting engines and machinery to prevent the release of soot and dust.

  • The Company will provide construction signs for versatility and safety of the traffic regarding traffic management.

  • Prescribing a speed limitation of trucks operated in the construction areas not to exceed 40 kilometers per hour.


  • Making sure time for carrying out loud noise-related work does not coincide with the bedtime of the people, particularly, the construction area located near the community and schools during the daytime.

  • Using engines or machinery that have regular maintenance to prevent excessive noise.

  • Using a block fence line to prevent noises in the case when machinery is near the community.

Adjoining Community

  • Having company representative(s) participate in every Village Committee to listen to the explanation or their opinions.

  • Erecting bulletin board to post the announcements on the details of names and contact places for receiving complaints and recommendations.

  • Providing reasonable assistance to the community under the company policy.

  • In case of a mass conflict:

  • Inform related government agencies.

  • Advance payment for the damage can be reimbursed from the project owner in case it is not the contractor’s fault.

  • Follow up the summary reports every week until the cases are finished.

The Company has taken steps to provide solutions to reduce environmental impact and designing a primary solution model. This is aimed at decreasing such impact as much as possible on the environment and community.

The established solutions are merely the primary solutions and there may be additional solutions coming up in concordance with the recommendations of the experts and related official organizations.

HSE Policy

The company strongly believes that health, safety, environmental,al and security targets must be given equal priority as well as Planning and Job Execution.

Our HSE policies are listed below;

  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities.

  • To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work.

  • To engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions and provide advice and supervision on occupational health.

  • To implement emergency procedures - evacuation in case of fire or another significant incident.

  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment, and machinery, and ensure safe storage/use of substances.

  • To enlighten all employees to the full awareness and consciousness of the company's HSE policy.

  • Disciplinary measures against offenders of safety rules shall be enforced irrespective of status. Consequence Management is in place.

  • Every employee is expected to report the unsafe conditions to their head and suspend unhealthy and dangerous operations until a safe work system is ensured.

  • Staff and subcontractors are given necessary health and safety induction and provided with appropriate training (including working at height and electrical safety) and personal protective equipment.

  • We will ensure that suitable arrangements are in place to cover employees engaged in work remotely from the main company site.

  • Escape routes are well-signed and kept clear at all times. Evacuation plans are tested from time to time and updated as necessary.

To this end, every P.E. Bema Nigeria Limited employee must integrate HSE policy into all the company's daily activities, especially during job planning and execution.